
IRIS Adlershof
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Zum Großen Windkanal 2
12489 Berlin

Prof. Dr. Jürgen P. Rabe

phone:+49 30 2093-66350
fax:     +49 30 2093-2021-66350



IRIS Adlershof celebrated its Finissage on October 21, 2024, after completing its envisioned three phases, and more than 14 years after its Opening on July 12, 2010


We are most grateful to all researchers, partners, and supporters for the great collaborations.


Note: This website will not be up-dated beyond October 31, 2024.


Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rabe
IRIS Mitglieder und Gäste
Dr. Nikolai Puhlman
Empfang und Musik
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rabe



IRIS Adlershof, profile video for the final evaluation 2021
Our final report:
IRIS Adlershof 2009 – 2024
PDF, 4.4 MB

Since its founding in 2009, the Integrative Research Institute for the Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin – IRIS Adlershof – can now look back on 15 years of successful work.

During this time, IRIS Adlershof has grown into an internationally recognized and widely visible player in the fields of Hybrid Systems for Optics and Electronics, as well as in Mathematical Physics of Space-Time-Matter. In addition, new research areas such as Big Data, Quantum Technology, and Catalysis Research have been established and networked.

From its inception, IRIS Adlershof was conceived as an innovative yet temporary university structure that would connect existing core competencies of university research with non-university partners in research and industry, create a powerful framework for forward-looking interdisciplinary collaborative projects, and promote the development of young scientists. We see ourselves as a driving force for innovation, interdisciplinary cooperation in scientific research, application, and training of the next generation of scientists.

International review committees have confirmed that we have more than lived up to this expectation. This makes us a little proud and gives us optimism for the future, even as IRIS Adlershof came to an end on October 31, 2024.

With the acquisition, construction, and commissioning of the highly innovative IRIS research building, as well as the establishment of the Kolleg Mathematik Physik Berlin (KMPB) and the Center for the Science of Materials Berlin (CSMB), we have laid important preconditions for the continued successful development of interdisciplinary scientific research at the Adlershof campus of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

The idea of IRIS Adlershof will therefore continue to live on in the future.

It is our great pleasure to thank all members, their associates and students, as well as the staff of IRIS Adlershof for their dedicated work, and we are all very grateful for the support that we have received from the administrative departments and the President’s office of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Jürgen P. Rabe & Nikolai Puhlmann

This summary was taken from our final report:
IRIS Adlershof 2009 – 2024
(PDF, 4.4 MB)