IRIS Adlershof is the prototype of an Integrative Research Institute (IRI) according to § 25 of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin’s constitution. Its goal is to provide outstanding scientists with an excellent infrastructure for interdisciplinary research in the research areas of Hybrid Systems for Optics and Electronics and Space-Time-Matter.
IRIS Adlershof combines elements of a research institute, a development laboratory, and an institute for advanced studies. It also sustainably links the Humboldt-Universität with pertinent non-university institutes and innovative enterprises.
The main governing bodies of IRIS Adlershof are the General Assembly, the IRIS Council, and the Director, which are all supported by the IRIS Branch Office.

The Members of IRIS Adlershof are university professors or postdoctoral employees with excellent achievements in one of the IRIS research areas or competence fields.
The Junior Members of IRIS Adlershof are junior scientists, who carry out research in one of the IRIS research ares or competence fields. They can become junior members of IRIS Adlershof after being recommended by an ordinary member.
The IRIS Council, which is elected by the General Assembly, decides on all important matters of IRIS Adlershof that do not fall within the scope of other authorities of the Humboldt-Universität. This includes the election of new IRIS members..
The General Assembly of IRIS Adlershof also elects the Director who conducts business, manages the current resources, and represents IRIS Adlershof internally and externally.
The competencies of the Commission Research Building focus on the research building and - like the building itself - are interdisciplinary. The IRIS Council can also delegate tasks to the Commission. Its proposals will be submitted to the Council for decision.
The Branch Office is responsible for all administrative matters pertaining to IRIS Adlershof. It is the interface to the local and central administrative bodies of the University. It is headed by a Manager who advises and supports the bodies of IRIS Adlershof.